team laughing in a meeting

Orthodontic Marketing

Get more likes, follows & starts.

Our full-service marketing team focuses on giving your practice a competitive edge in marketing by implementing strategies that drive new patients and increase brand awareness. Practices that use OrthoSynetics as their orthodontic marketing company generate, on average, 35% more new patient appointments.


What you get:

  • Marketing plan development & implementation
  • Market research, including demographic & psychographic analysis
  • Brand development & refinement
  • Graphic design & copywriting
  • Social media promotions & recommendations
  • Website design & development
  • Online strategies, including digital ad placements
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$580,000 in new contracts

In 12 months, an Illinois practice received $580,000+ in additional contracts from OrthoSynetics-led digital marketing efforts.

30% increase in new contracts

A California practice increased contracts with OrthoSynetics marketing by 30% during an economically challenging 2022.

30% increase in website traffic

A Florida-based practice saw a 30% increase in overall website traffic through a more robust digital-focused marketing strategy.

45% increase in new patient starts

A January promotion for a California practice resulted in a 45% increase in new patient starts compared to the same month previous year.

We wouldn’t be where we are without our clients. And it’s nice they feel the same way about us.

Exceptional Websites. Easy Process.

Brands We've Built & Love

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8 Ways to Make Your
Brand a Brand Name

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