How Practice Management Can Help You Follow Up with Patients

Posted on May 22, 2024

Managing your orthodontic practice takes a lot of time, resources, and skills. There are so many tasks that go into running a practice, and following up with potential and existing patients is crucial for your practice’s success. Fortunately, there are easier ways to manage everything you need to have done. Here’s how practice management services can help ensure you follow up with your orthodontic patients the way you should.

Confirm Insurance Efficiently

One of the biggest barriers when it comes to following up with patients is confirming their insurance providers. According to Gitnux, about 80% of U.S. teens receive some type of orthodontic care, and their insurance may be under their parents’ employer, through the state, or through an independent provider. When you’re looking to grow your orthodontic practice, trying to confirm your patients’ insurance information quickly can be a challenge. Fortunately, with orthodontic practice management services on your side, you can rest assured that your patients’ insurance information is verified and processed quickly and efficiently. This means happier patients, faster service, and a quicker revenue cycle.

Use Automation to Communicate Effectively

The last thing you want when it comes to following up with patients is to make your patient (or potential patient) feel as if you don’t care about them. Lags in communication can leave patients wondering if you’re prioritizing their dental care, and they may tempt them to leave your practice for a more communicative competitor. Orthodontic practice management gives you the automation tools you need to grow your orthodontic practice. With automation tools, you can provide personalized follow-ups in a timely manner that allows your patients to feel valued and taken care of.

Reach Out on Multiple Devices

As we mentioned above, you don’t want to leave your patients waiting, especially when they’re considering becoming new patients. With OrthoSynetics’ Patient Path, you can quickly transform inquiries into returning patients. Our tools enable you to engage with your patients via email, text, and phone all within the timespan of 20 seconds. This gives you a leg up on the competition, and ensures your patients are receiving the information they need wherever they are.

These are multiple ways practice management can help you grow your orthodontic practice by boosting the way you follow up with your patients. If you’re looking for these services for your orthodontic practice, contact OrthoSynetics today to get started.