You were born to stand out, not blend in. Authenticity is key in this market.
Posted on November 16, 2020
This week, we’re dropping a few pearls of wisdom on you when it comes to success in the rest of 2020 and beyond. The key to making it happen is to be authentic and to let your patients and prospective patients get to know the real you. Your brand voice is conveyed through language, color, and typography as well as the images you choose to select.
Think of it this way: If you could slap a logo from your competitor onto your ads and not be able to tell the difference – it’s time to rethink how you can stand out.
Things To Do:
- Map out what sets you apart from your competitors in the following areas: service offerings, specialized knowledge/techniques, location, environment, staff, awards, your level of expertise, your environment, your personality, etc.
- Do a quick competitive analysis of your marketing and social media tactics vs. that of your competitors – how do you measure up? Now, more than ever, people are hitting up their laptops before they hit the streets to check out a new business or doctor. They’re reading reviews, and visiting your website. They’re even checking your social media in an effort to learn as much as they can about you even before picking up the phone. Make sure your website and social media presence convey what makes your practice special.
Things To Look Out For:
- If you could swap out your competitor’s logo on their website with yours and not really notice a difference between the two, you’ve got a problem. Your website serves as the key representation and first impression of your brand – it must stand out accordingly.
- Are the topics you’re covering on social media and in blog posts similar to that of your competition? If so, find a new way of imparting the information in your own unique style. Consider doing it in a funny way or through an infographic.
- Make sure your website tells your brand story in a way that’s compelling and personal to give viewers a sense of who you are and why they should choose you.
- Lastly, consider your “user journey.” Does your website have a clear path for a consumer to reach out to you and take action? If your website has a lot of pages to click through in order to get the information they need, you’re just bottlenecking your sales funnel, making it harder for your potential patient to book a consult. An easy-to-navigate, mobile-friendly site is key since the majority of the research people do online is conducted on their smartphones.
Differentiation is the defining factor for success.
If you want to avoid being a commodity and survive in this market, you must create a customized marketing program that clearly communicates why your practice is the best choice. After all, you’re talking to people. People who come to you for their smiles and their kids’ smiles. What you do for them is life-changing. But don’t confuse your increase in activity since COVID-19 with an increase in annual revenue. It’s important to keep in mind that you may not be as ahead of the game as you think. Review your financials with a specialist like one of our financial advisors to get an accurate picture.
Interested in learning how OrthoSynetics can help your practice? Reach out to one of our experts today.