
Protect Your Orthodontic Revenue

Posted on December 27, 2018

4 AREAS TO PROTECT AGAINST LOSS OF ORTHODONTIC PRACTICE REVENUE 1) Time is money. Process your claims in a timely manner. Monitor un-submitted and rejected claims reports and process them on time. This is important because neglecting these reports will lead to delays in filing and could result in the claims being denied by the… Read more »

Using Raving Fans to Help Your Orthodontic Marketing

Posted on November 2, 2018

Typical marketing involves a business sending out information into the world and then hoping people will find it. Instead of pushing out information yourself, it’s more effective to allow current customers to disseminate it for you. When your customers become your fans or brand ambassadors, they’ll be glad to do it. As an orthodontic practice… Read more »

Tips for Opening a New Orthodontic Practice

Posted on November 2, 2018

One of the fundamental laws of physics is that objects at rest will stay at rest and objects in motion will stay in motion, and the situation will only change when forces act upon those objects. Let’s apply this principle to running an orthodontic practice. If a new practice is new, it is basically at… Read more »

Orthodontic Purchasing – How Orthodontists Can Save on Supplies

Posted on November 2, 2018

Over the years, various models have been depicted that show your clinical supplies spending should equate to approximately six percent of your total revenue for optimum efficiency. We have reviewed many of these studies and have witnessed very efficient practices running at the six percent target. This metric is a good benchmark to measure your… Read more »

Build Your Orthodontic Practice Marketing Plan

Posted on October 12, 2018

Build it and they will come. About the only time this logic applies is when it comes to your marketing plan. With 2018 coming to a close, it’s time to take stock on 2018 and begin future planning. As busy orthodontic entrepreneurs, you may find yourself in an activity trap. Moving from tactic to tactic,… Read more »

Hidden Costs of Orthodontic Office Supplies

Posted on October 5, 2018

Have you ever shopped online for a consumer product like a coffee maker or a stroller and found yourself spending way too much time weighing each option’s pros and cons? People focus mostly on the hard costs of an item’s price and may forget they’re spending valuable time sorting through the different features and reviews…. Read more »

Orthodontic Marketing: Keys to Get Started

Posted on October 3, 2018

You’re successful at what you do because you’re always thinking ahead. And when you’re not thinking about how to move your practice ahead, you’re doing it – whether it’s updating your website, sprucing up your office waiting room, or buying the latest equipment. After all, you know small changes like these can have a long-term… Read more »

Action Opens Doors. Consistency Keeps Them Open.

Posted on September 14, 2018

A team that doesn’t skip a beat is the one that boosts your bottom line. If we had a dollar for every time we heard a doctor say, “I wish there were more business classes offered to me in dental school,” we’d have a vacation home on a private island. Trust us when we say,… Read more »

HIPAA Is No Joke. Protect Your Practice

Posted on August 31, 2018

Here’s a scary thought: a HIPAA violation can cost up to $50,000 per record. That’s thousands of dollars out of your pocket and into the hands of someone else. That’s enough to even close the doors on some practices for good. So, when it comes to HIPAA, you don’t just have to take it seriously,… Read more »

Supplies. Solved.

Posted on August 23, 2018

We ensure you have the supplies you need when you need them. Time and time again, we hear from doctors that they aren’t sure how inventory is tracked, or if they even have an ordering system in place. In many practices, only one person handles the ordering, and there’s no transparency in their system. If… Read more »